BKT Teen is a unique credit card on the market with numerous benefits for both parents and children who use it. If you want to prepare your children for a responsible managing of their finances and personal expenses, the BKT Teen card is the right choice for you.

An extremely practical solution that enables your child to independently make payments for their needs, such as daily meals, purchases at the bookstore, payments during school trips within or outside the country, online payments, etc.

Easy and transparent spending control

Set your child’s spending limit in your BKT Mobile application and allow them to control their money as you choose.

The spending limit of the BKT Teen Card is authorized by the parent, based on a percentage of the total limit of the basic (parent) credit card. The limit is set and can be changed through the BKT Mobile application at any time.

Expense and payment management is monitored by parents, who have previously authorized their child’s BKT Teen Card limit.

After each payment made by your child, you will receive a notification in your BKT Mobile application about the amount spent. This will help you be aware of how and where your child spends their money.

How can you get a Teen Card?

All customers who have a credit card at BKT Kosova can provide their children from the age of 14 to 18 with a credit card.

The additional card is issued and linked to the limit of the main cardholder (parent), who has full responsibility towards the Bank for the total liability arising from the use of additional cards issued in the name of his children.


The commission for issuing a BKT Teen credit card is 0 EUR

For parents who do not have a credit card at BKT Kosova

First, the parent must apply for their own credit card. After the approval of the parent’s credit card, you apply for an additional BKT Teen Card for your children.

Online application for a credit card

You can apply online for a credit card through the link: https://bkt-ks.com/apliko-online/, the BKT Mobile application, or by visiting one of the BKT Kosova branches.

Procedure in case of loss or theft of the card

If your card is lost, stolen or your PIN or card data is compromised, you must immediately report it to the Contact Center at: 038/666 666 or at one of the BKT Kosova branches. The numbers are also found on the back of your card and the BKT Teen Card that your child possesses.

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