For all the diaspora living in Switzerland, BKT Kosova with the new product called Corridor Service gives you the opportunity to make payments from Switzerland to all your relatives living in Kosovo. The payment can be processed in two ways:

  • Classical way
  • QR Code

The payment should be processed through E-Banking Platform (whether it is E-Banking of PostFinance or E-banking of other Switzerland banks’).

  • In the classical way you may process the payment in two ways:
  1. From PostFinance AG to BKT Kosova (for more details see attachment below).
  2. From Switzerland Banks to BKT Kosova (for more details see attachment below).
  • Through QR Code you can build you QR Code providing all payment information in a digital form (for more details upon how to generate a QR code, see the attachment below).

From PostFinance AG to BKT Kosova

From Switzerland Banks to BKT Kosova

Generating a QR Code

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